12 Angry Men

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12 angry men is directed by Sidney Lumet in 1957. The movie starring Henry Fonda, Lee. J. Cobb and Ed Begley. At the beginning of the movie the jury finished listening to the trial proceedings, an eighteen years old guy was the murder of his father. Next the judge asked the jury members to give him there beliefs and opinions. In the jury room 12 gentle men voted about the case if this guy was guilty or not guilty. During the first vote most of them seeing the guy was guilty according to the facts and evidences that they listened and saw from the six days of trials, while one gentle man is number 8 juror didn’t vote the man was guilty he believed it was not easy to send a guy to the death if he was not sure. The 11th men were disagree with the man opinion and demonstrated the facts which were listened during the trial. Davis the name of number 8 juror tried to convince the members of the jury and he succeed to change their minds. Davis was smart and logically man, he started doubt the evidence by the switch knife. The jurors believed the knife belongs to the eighteen years old guy and he stabbed it in his father chest, Davis made his argument by said might the murder used another knife looked like the guy’s knife and he showed the jurors a knife looked like the knife was used to kill the man. After this argument the one of jurors #9 changed his vote to not guilty. After that #5 juror who had a problem to express his opinion, he changed his mind and vote for not guilty. Davis started to make argument about the old man witness. After Davis argument # 2 and #11 jurors changed them mind and they convinced the Davis beliefs. Juror # 2 was a timid one in the jury members. After that juror #5 expressed his opinion about how the people in slum area used the knife according to his opinion the guy couldn’t stab his father. Next the foreman asked the gentlemen to
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