Discuss Theories Of Memory And Relate To Your Own Memory

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Discuss Theories of Memory and Relate to Your Own Memory Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) and Badderly & Hitch (1974) produced two well known theories of memory. This discussion will explain the two theories supplying sufficient evidence to support each theory. It will outline any criticisms of each theory and demonstrate ways that I use memory. The disscusion will come to a closure with a final conclusion based on the discussion held. The definition of memory is the ability to store things in a persons mind and to be able to recall them. This idea would be useful for people of our past times, in order for hunting and avoiding danger. If we were able to remember every part of our life, we would find it difficult to expel the information because of the enormous amount of information stored. Memory is used for lots of things. Examples being: remembering previous conversations, recognising people by their faces, as well as other things. If we didn’t remember anything we would be without knowledge and understanding, which is quite like a new born baby. We remember in different ways, which suggests we have different systems for memory. It is also a mental process which allows you to change a word into something that means something to you. An example of ‘bed’, you could see it as your own comfortable bed at home. This is known as coding and is your mental way of storing certain information. Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) is the theory based on the idea of there being three types of memory stores. It also outlines the structure and the processes of memory. In this theory, the memory is broken down into three parts: Sensory memory-stores the original information, i.e.: a picture or a certain smell. Short-term Memory-Where the sensory memory is changed into a code we remember. Long-term memory-where the information that has been pout into code, is stored.

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