Territorial Behaviour Of An African Lion

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Territorial behaviour is a type of innate behaviour, which means it is built in to the Lion and it does not think about what it is doing. For example one type of territorial behaviour would be roaring to intimidate other animals; there are some reasons to why Lions roar which I will reveal in the following essay. African Lions are one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera(Tiger, Lion, Jaguar, and Leopard), and is a member of the Felidae family. They usually live in prides consisting from 15 to 37 lions, each pride must mark out its territory so that it will ensure their safety and to let other prides know to not hunt there. A pride’s territory can range from 15 to 150 square miles depending on the size of the pride. The female lions are usually seen as the head of the family and support the pride by doing various jobs. I chose this animal because I thought that territorial behaviour was vital in the African lion pride, in order to maintain supremacy over the over animals. In my opinion choosing an animal that lives in groups would be more interesting to research about and more enjoyable for the readers. Lions have certain ways of behaving so that they maintain their territory such as roaring; this is done to intimidate other predators who might have wandered on their turf. When the lions roar they try to create the illusion that there are actually larger numbers that it seems to scare the other animals that hear them. Lions also scent their territory with urine like many other animals to mark the pride’s territory and keep the other prides away, it is normally done when the patrol the territory. In order to keep a visual dominance of the territory patrolling is done by both male and female lions, the territory is kept by the lionesses for many generations because they do not leave the territory often; it is mostly the males that venture outside of the

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