Homeless Families As a Vulnerable Population

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Homeless Families are a Vulnerable Population Homeless Families are a Vulnerable Population Homelessness is a lack of permanent housing resulting from extreme poverty and the inability to provide an adequate living environment. There are two trends that greatly attribute for the rise in family homelessness. The first is the continued decline in rental housing that are available individuals within the monetary limits they are able to meet and the second is a widening gap between earned income and housing cost for low income families. (Clark 2011). Vulnerable populations are experiencing extreme poverty and are at risk for poor health both mentally and physically. (Aday,2001; Sebastian,1996). Families with children have become the swiftest rising area of the homeless population. Homeless families are mainly a mother and children. Recent government estimates indicate that on most nights at least 68,000 to 100,000 are without a home and an additional 186,000 may be living with family causing overcrowded living situations. Most emotional problems in homeless families are cause by severe stress and extreme poverty combined with inability to provide housing and medical care. (Bassuk and Zima 2008). Families who become homeless often depend on relatives and friends for assistance, frequently moving in with relatives and causing overcrowding living arrangements. From the overcrowding tension escalates and supportive relationship dissolve causing homelessness to occur again and again. Families who use up all their support systems are forced to live in homeless shelters or sleep in abandoned buildings or on the street. Being homeless is very traumatic to all family members. Parents become unable to provide a loving and nurturing environment for their family. The emotional needs of children may be threatened and diminish as the parents direct the majority of

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