Productive Vs. Counterproductive Behavior

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Productive Vs. Counterproductive Behavior Productive and counterproductive behavior shown amongst employees can be determined through job performance. Whether the job performance works with or against the organizations goals is the deciding factor on whether it is productive or counterproductive. All organizations wish to have every employee be productive, and each employee to follow the guidelines set by the organization to succeed at the goals that are set. With that said, it is realistic that each organization has productive and counterproductive employees, and there are many factors that can be taken into account as to why. This paper will help to define productive and counterproductive behavior, the impact they have on an organization, and how an organization can increase productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior. Productive Behavior An employee should have a very good understanding as to what productive behavior is in order to be productive. “Productive behavior is defined as employee behavior that contributes positively to the goals and objectives of the organization” (Britt & Jex, 2008). In order for the employee to show productive behavior the employee needs to have a good understanding of the organizations goals and objectives. Without having this knowledge, the employee could become very frustrated, losing productivity. Having frustration within the first few weeks of employment can have a lasting effect on the employee. Having productive behavior can impact job performance in a positive way. An employee does not become productive overnight; rather they need to acquire the skills necessary to become productive. The employee should be knowledgeable of the position they are in, the skills necessary to complete the job and be offered the proper training. This will aim towards the employee having great self confidence in

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